Menopause Treatments

The menopause treatments that I offer aim to support women going through this stage of life, when hormones are fluctuating and can be very erratic.  The aim is to achieve balance and smooth the release of those hormones.  The menopause process can’t be stopped but these therapies can help to balance and regulate the hormones so it’s not such a bumpy ride!

Menopause can be a new beginning, a time when your sense of purpose as a women can change enormously.  But we should view this an opportunity for transformation and growth.  This is a time to learn to focus on yourself, learn to say no to others, value your self worth, choose who you want to be and make time to be that person.

There are 3 stages of menopause.  The first is perimenopause which generally starts between 40-50 years but can be earlier for some women.  Average time in this stage is 4 years but can be anywhere between 1-12 years.  You then enter menopause when you go 12 consecutive months without a period and the average age for this occurring in the UK is 51 years (for 95% of women it will occur between the ages of 44-56 years).  Following this stage, women are considered to be postmenopausal.

The menopausal treatments that I offer, massage and reflexology, aim to support women and ease symptoms.  During the consultation process, we discuss the symptoms affecting you as everyone’s experience of menopause-related symptoms is very different.  The treatment will then be planned around your specific needs to help address the physical and emotional aspects of peri- through post-menopause.

During these stages, due to fluctuations in hormones, symptoms may occur with the most common being:

  • Hot Flushes
  • Night Sweats
  • Sleep Problems/Insomnia
  • Brain Fog/Difficulty Concentrating
  • Anxiety/Depression
  • Mood Swings/Rage/Irritability
  • Change in Periods
  • Muscle/Joint aches and pains
  • Fatigue/Tiredness
  • Headaches/Migraines


This massage is very much a holistic based therapy, based on compassion, care and specialised massage techniques to help manage both physical and emotional reactions to menopause. During a menopause massage treatment light pressure is used, with slow and steady movements to help the body relax. The massage will be tailored to suit your particular needs and this will be discussed during the consultation process. Your individual goals are also considered, for example, desire for calmness, relaxation, help ease aching joints and muscles, etc. Along with relaxing massage movements, specific acupressure points will also be worked on that help regulate hormone production. Appropriate essential oils will also be used during the massage.


This menopause treatment is different from a regular reflexology session in that the main focus will be on the endocrine system. Major endocrine glands are ovaries, adrenals, pituitary, hypothalamus, thyroid, parathyroid, pineal, thymus and pancreas. Hormones are regulated and released by these glands to help control and coordinate metabolism, energy levels, response to injury, stress and mood, playing a major role during menopause. This is a deeply relaxing therapy and will be tailored to suit your particular needs of which will be discussed during the consultation process.

What some of my clients say about my treatments including my Menopause Massage and Reflexology

Sarah, Carnoustie⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I thoroughly enjoyed my reflexology for menopause. I found it extremely relaxing and soothing. My feet feel great and like I’m walking on air. I will definitely rebook for another session and highly recommend it to others who have not tried it yet.

Sara, Carnoustie ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I had reflexology for menopause with Jenny. Very different from normal reflexology as it was clearly targeting specific areas and Jenny was able to explain and identify all the areas clearly.My restless legs are better and the quality of my sleep has definitely improved. I would definitely recommend.Thanks Jenny

To read reviews for all my complementary therapy treatments please click here.

Information on the menopause can be found on the NHS inform website.

Making an enquiry or a booking

If you have any questions or would like to check the availability of my peri or post menopausal treatments, please contact Jenny:

Phone: 07854408179